The film centers on Bea (Sweeney) and Ben (Powell) who look like the perfect couple. After an amazing first date, something happens that derails their blossoming romance. However, they later find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia where they decide to pretend to be a couple. Will Gluck (“Easy A”) directed the film, which also stars Alexandra Shipp (“Love Simon”), GaTa (“Dave”), Dermot Mulroney (“Scream VI”), and Rachel Griffiths (“Six Feet Under”).
There are more than a few positives to look at here. For one, the movie looked dead on arrival in December given its tiny opening weekend. But word of mouth caught up with this one and it has now made more than 14 times its opening weekend figure domestically. Those are legs that we just never see these days. It’s arguably the best comeback story of the pandemic era, right up there with Pixar’s “Elemental” last year. It’s also very good news for those who not only want to see theatrical comedy thrive, but those who want to see original cinema in general.
For Sony, the studio stands to make a fortune on this one. The film was produced for a mere $25 million. Even when accounting for marketing, this is going to result in a windfall of profit. Are they going to try and get Powell and Sweeney back for a sequel of some kind? Or maybe they will try and turn them into this generation’s Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan? Either way, they are surely going to try and capitalize on the success as much as they possibly can.
“Anyone But You” is in theaters and on VOD now.
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