In “Tales of the Jedi,” we see Anakin arduously push Ahsoka in an exercise training against other clones, teaching her the same tactics she’d later use to survive Order 66. For Eckstein, this episode shows why Ahsoka was so good, and also that Anakin deeply cared for her.
“She was a 14-year-old girl when she first came into the Clone Wars. He was trying to save her,” Eckstein said. “If he didn’t prepare her for war, she would’ve died. And Anakin loves Ahsoka like a little sister.”
We saw that brother-sister dynamic begin in the “Clone Wars” movie, where Anakin gave Ahsoka the nickname “Snips.” Early on, their dynamic was rather antagonistic, with Anakin being against the idea of a padawan, and Ahsoka being as stubborn as him. This coincided with negative fan reactions against Ahsoka, who saw her as a ticking time bomb waiting to die since there was no Ahsoka in the movies. Even Dave Filoni teased Eckstein with the death of her character. Luckily, that didn’t happen, or audiences would have missed out on one of the most complex, fully-developed characters in all of “Star Wars.”
And as for her training, we’re talking about a kid who literally grew up on the battlefield. Is media literacy so low that some people really need scenes showing a character train every day to believe that they have skills? Weren’t Ahsoka’s constant clashes against Grievous, Asajj Ventress, and even Maul on “Clone Wars” enough?
To end on a more positive note, you should absolutely check out “Tales of the Jedi” (which is streaming on Disney+).
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