The only constant in Reacher’s life is private investigator Frances Neagley (Maria Sten), who sends him an emergency ATM code message in season 2’s first episode. Things are dire: their mutual friend, Calvin Franz (Luke Bilyk), who used to be a part of Reacher’s 110th Special Investigations Unit, has been found dead after being hurled from a helicopter 3,000 above ground. Franz’s death shakes the very foundation of Reacher’s existence; he can no longer be a wanderer who’s unreachable at all times, as he needs to get to the bottom of this conspiracy, and fast. His other friends from the 110th also seem to be in danger, and it is up to Reacher and Neagley to bring the group together to uncover the identity of a mysterious man named A.M. (Ferdinand Kingsley).
Conversations with Neagley highlight how aloof and isolated Reacher has been, having missed important milestones in his friends’ lives that everyone except him has been a part of. While this is handled in the form of a running gag, where the toothpaste incident is used to underline the ridiculous nature of his aloof, ultra-minimalist lifestyle, it is clear that Reacher feels acutely lonely without ever candidly acknowledging it.
Kala Dixon (Serinda Swan), whom he had a crush on during their time together in the 110th, intensifies this feeling of having missed out on human connection. While Reacher is still as gruff and no-nonsense as ever, we get to witness a more nuanced shade of vulnerability that stems from consciously distancing himself for the sake of who he is and what he does. Reacher has had love interests in the past, but his connection with Karla is markedly different, as they’ve known one another for years and are aware of their mutual idiosyncrasies.
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