Dave Filoni Isn’t Sure What Will Happen With Ray Stevenson’s Ahsoka Character


When last we saw Baylan in the season finale of “Ahsoka,” viewers were left on a tantalizing cliffhanger. Having hitched a ride to another galaxy altogether in the search for Grand Admiral Thrawn (Lars Mikkelsen), Baylan instead went his own way while everyone else was preoccupied by the main battle between remnants of the Galactic Empire and our remaining Rebel heroes. His very last appearance revealed the mysterious figure atop a statue of the Mortis gods, providing the briefest of hints as to what he intended to do next on the planet of Peridea. To Dave Filoni, this wasn’t a creative choice made lightly:

“You have to be careful with that. I know it’s a very specific group of people that would even know what those statues are, but I thought it was an exciting image, and it does give you the shape of what Baylan is after.”

What’s clear is that Baylan has had enough of the age-old dichotomy between the Jedi and the Sith. Having seen both orders fail miserably, the aged master appears convinced that, “I should be the one making decisions,” as Filoni puts it. “He’s also very certain that what he’s doing now is the right thing.” As for next steps, it’s likely that Filoni will eventually have to recast the character. Such a major dangling plot thread suggests fans would be none too pleased if that final shot of Baylan never actually pays off, and we’d hope Lucasfilm learned their lesson from how they handled (okay, more like bungled) Leia Organa’s role in “The Rise of Skywalker” after Carrie Fisher’s death.

For now, fans can continue to celebrate Ray Stevenson’s life through their appreciation of his foray into the “Star Wars” universe.


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