Across The Spider-Verse And More


“Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” is one of the most beautiful, inventive, thrilling comic book movies ever made. It’s also frustrating as hell, because it’s not a whole movie. This sequel is very much “part 1” or a two-part story, and the film feels incomplete as a result. Just when you think the story is going to pick up … the movie ends. I get it — they want to leave you wanting more. They want you to come back for the sequel. But, hey, remember when movies used to have endings? And told a complete story? That was fun! Let’s do that again, shall we?

Anyway, “Across the Spider-Verse” deals with Miles Morales, a Spider-Man from an alternate universe who must once again deal with the consequences of the multiverse. That means there are lots more Spider-People afoot, including Gwen Stacy, Miles’ crush, who returns and inadvertently draws Miles into a whole new adventure. That adventure finds Miles at odds with some other Spider-People, including those he thought were his friends. It’s all a bit convoluted, truth be told. But the film’s animation is so vibrant, so colorful, so eye-popping that you can’t help but get swept up in it all. Still, I wanted more. I wanted a complete story, and I don’t think that’s such an outlandish request. But who am I kidding? I’m now fully in the tank for whatever comes next, so maybe the filmmakers knew exactly what they were doing with their cliffhanger ending. 

Special features:


  • Blu-ray, 4K UHD and Digital Exclusives:

    • Obscure Spiders and Easter Eggs
    • Deleted Scene: Miguel Calling
    • “I’mma Do My Own Thing” Interdimensional Destiny
    • Across the Worlds: Designing New Dimensions
    • Designing Spiders and Spots
    • Scratches, Score and The Music of the Multiverse
    • Escape from Spider-Society
    • Across the Comics-Verse
    • Lyric Videos
    • Filmmaker Commentary
  • Also Includes:

    • Creating the Ultimate Spider-Man Movie
    • Raising a Hero
    • Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Cast


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