It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Season 16 Episode 8 Is Based On A Real-Life Glenn Howerton Breakdown


In “Dennis Takes a Mental Health Day,” Dennis’s doctor tells him that his high blood pressure requires medication, which Dennis refuses to believe. Instead, he gets a smart watch to help him monitor his blood pressure and heart rate, avoiding stressful situations any time his blood pressure starts to rise. It’s a great set-up that allows him to get into loads of situations that would be irritating to anyone, let alone someone with Dennis’s short temper. His watch beeps as he gets agitated, so of course there is a lot of beeping as the gang pesters him, his car rental appointment is double booked, and then he loses his phone and can’t get back into his fancy electric rental car. 

In real life, Howerton drives a Tesla and the key fob stopped working, so he used the app on his phone that serves as a back-up. The only problem? He and his friend went to a movie screening and parked in an underground parking garage, where they couldn’t get phone or WiFi reception. That meant they couldn’t get into the car, which meant they were stuck there. Both Howerton and Dennis ended up in customer service loops, trying to get help and getting nowhere — though Dennis’s situation gets absolutely asinine, while, in real life, Howerton just took an Uber and figured it out later.


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