In an ABC interview back in March, James Cameron shared his own thoughts on the advancements in AI. “I think AI can be pretty great,” he said. “I think it could also literally be the end of the world.” It’s that central contradiction that’s made “T2: Judgement Day” the most popular entry, the one that ensured the series would be a pop culture staple for decades to come. Whereas the first movie was only really about the bad side of AI, the second one had Arnold Schwarzenegger return as a hero here to help. The thing that prevented AI from taking over the world was, in the end, also AI. It destroyed the world, then went back and saved it.
Of course, even with the robot technically saving the day, the “Terminator” franchise has also argued again and again that AI can’t work without humans effectively guiding it. The Terminator in “T2” is good not just because he’s programmed to protect John and Sarah, but because he listens to them most of the time, and even learns about a few human catchphrases and customs while he’s at it. “Terminator 3” (which wasn’t directed by Cameron) culminates in a scene where Schwarzenegger’s Terminator is literally reprogrammed by the villainous T-X to kill John Connor, but he refuses. Somewhere along the way he had managed to form an actual, human connection with the people he’s programmed to protect, and that makes him capable of genuine human agency.
It’s silly, sure, but it’s a sweet idea. AI may be a scary thing capable of destroying everything we love, the franchise argues, but we’ll survive as long as humans don’t get too caught up in their own hubris. Like pretty much any other technology humans have created, AI is only as good or bad as what we do with it.
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