Drawn back to the “Terminator” franchise due to his concerns over the future of the human species, James Cameron didn’t exactly return the series to its former glory by executive producing “Dark Fate.” It was apparently his idea to kick off the movie by having a digital recreation of Edward Furlong’s John Connor murdered, making the events of his classic “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” pretty much meaningless.
But with all this talk of AI taking over and the general “T2”-esque sense of doom that has descended on the world in recent years, the “Avatar: The Way of Water” director is surely tempted to take back the reins of his “Terminator” franchise entirely. Late last year, the so-called “King of the Box Office” visited Will Arnett, Jason Bateman, and Sean Hayes’ “Smartless” podcast where he said:
“If I were to do another ‘Terminator’ film and maybe try to launch that franchise again, which is in discussion, but nothing has been decided, I would make it much more about the AI side of it than bad robots gone crazy.”
There have also been some rumors (including this tweet and this one) that Cameron spoke at the Dell Technologies World 2023 conference this week and said he had begun writing a new “Terminator” film, but is holding off until the direction of AI becomes clearer. Those are unconfirmed at this time. Still, even from his comments on the podcast, Cameron is interested enough to at least try rebooting the franchise he built, but a few things are going to have to come together in order for us to get yet another “Terminator” movie.
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