In some ways, “Mobile Suit Gundam” is the Star Wars of Japan, a massive space opera with intricate and also confusing lore (in this case, multiple timelines are involved), strong iconography and memorable characters, space wars, a conflict between shady organizations, and who can forget the laser swords! Like Star Wars, many Gundam shows are defined by a big war that ravaged a planet as well as its various colonies, with humanity itself changing in its aftermath.
The biggest repercussion of the war is the advent of the mobile suit, allowing giant humanoid robots to be piloted by people. “Mobile Suit Gundam” is not the first mecha anime, but it is arguably the biggest, with its influence continuing to resonate to this day.
Before “Gundam” turned mecha suits into metaphors for war and trauma, there was the super robot genre, which treated the giant robots more like superheroes, with stories being more cheerful and adventurous. Among these super robot anime were shows like “Getter Robo,” or “Gurren Lagann,” which are closer to the kind of Saturday morning cartoons and serials that influenced — you guessed it — Star Wars.
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