The best ChatGPT prompts for startups


We aren’t quite at the point where artificial intelligence can run an entire business, but the new wave of AI tools is getting close. That is especially true for nascent startups, where AI tools can be invaluable in the race to get a new company up and running. Tools like ChatGPT can help perform tasks ranging from writing blog posts, researching competitors, finding a domain name, and even practicing for media interviews. 

So many startups are about disruption, and tools such as ChatGPT apply machine smarts to streamline and simplify the business of sorting out problems big and small, using knowledge gleaned from analyzing millions of business-related documents already in existence. Startups from the fields of health, education and PR are already benefiting from this new approach to business.

How to use ChatGPT to write a business plan

Prompt: Write a business plan for my startup that sells music to cats

Result: Our startup, MeowTunes, aims to offer a unique product to a niche market by selling music specifically tailored to cats. Our goal is to provide cat owners with an enjoyable and relaxing experience for their feline friends through music that is scientifically designed to appeal to their senses. Our music will be available through a subscription-based model, accessible through various streaming platforms and our website. With a passionate team and a solid business plan, we believe MeowTunes has the potential to become a successful and profitable business…We look forward to providing a one-of-a-kind music experience for cats and their owners.

ChatGPT works from a basis of millions of documents—called the corpus—which includes numerous business plans, presentations, and pitch decks. So, it isn’t surprising that it comes up with a decent business plan from a simple elevator pitch. It’s a good starting point, and if the user doesn’t like it, it’s easy to generate a new one with just another click. The name MeowTunes isn’t bad, either. 

Create a company slogan using ChatGPT

Prompt: Write a corporate slogan for MeowTunes

ResultUnleash the Purrfect Harmony with MeowTunes, Purrfectly Tailored Music for Your Feline Friends – Meowtunes

Not bad, ChatGPT. The first one is a bit clumsy and is perhaps a bit more suited to a startup that sells music to dogs. The second one is better, although honestly, Purrfectly is a bit of a cliche. This is a serious startup, not a joke. 

How to conduct investor research with ChatGPT

Prompt: Which venture capitalists have invested in pet-related startups, and what are their email addresses?

Result: Here are some Venture Capitalists who have invested in pet-related startups, along with their email addresses: Digitalis Ventures: [email protected], Slow Ventures: [email protected], Leap Venture Studio: [email protected]

ChatGPT has a problem in that it only knows things that happened up to 2021. For a startup, that is ancient history. So, for this question, I moved over to Bard, the experimental AI chat system from Google. After all, Google knows everything, right? It does, but it might not always tell you. The three top VC companies on its list are good picks: Digitalis Ventures is an investor in PetMedix, which is working on monoclonal antibody treatments for pets. However, Bard declined to give me their email address, saying that “However, I am not able to access private information, such as email addresses.” Digitalis has an email address on its About page, though, so I’ll be sending my pitch there shortly. 

How to use ChatGPT to find a domain name

Prompt: Our startup, MeowTunes, aims to offer a unique product to a niche market by selling music specifically tailored to cats.


To find these domain names, I fed my prompt into, which uses AI to find available domain names, including those that are available for registration and those that are up for sale. is already registered, but it does come up with some interesting alternatives. 

How to use ChatGPT to write blog posts

Prompt: Write a blog post introducing MeowTunes, my new startup that sells music to cats. Stress that the service is for cats, not their owners.

Result: Introducing MeowTunes: The Music Service Designed Specifically for Cats

Are you tired of listening to music that your cat doesn’t enjoy? Look no further than MeowTunes! Our music is designed specifically for cats, so you can be sure that your furry friend will love it.

Our team of experts has spent years researching what kind of music cats enjoy. We use this knowledge to create music that is scientifically proven to calm cats down and make them happy.

Unlike other music services, MeowTunes is designed specifically for cats. We don’t just play human music and hope that cats will like it. Instead, we use AI to create music that is tailored to your cat’s preferences.

When I tried this prompt on Google Bard, it testily replied, “I’m a text-based AI and can’t assist with that.” Rude. So, I moved over to Microsoft Bing, which was happy to do the work Google turned down. It also drilled down, asking me what was unique about MeowTunes before it came up with this blog post. 

How to use ChatGPT to brainstorm headlines

Prompt: Why cats need music. Write 10 headlines about that topic, avoiding puns 


  1. The Surprising Connection Between Music and Your Cat’s Health
  2. Understanding the Science: Why Cats Need Music
  3. The Soothing Effects of Music on Your Feline Companion
  4. Enhancing Your Cat’s Environment with Music: Benefits and Tips
  5. From Purring to Playing: How Music Can Boost Your Cat’s Mood
  6. A Closer Look at Music Therapy for Cats: What You Need to Know
  7. Feline Stress Relief: The Role of Music in Calming Anxious Cats
  8. How Music Can Help Cats Cope with Separation Anxiety
  9. Cat Music: A Tool for Improving Your Pet’s Behavior and Training
  10. Unleashing the Power of Music: Why Your Cat Needs a Soundtrack

ChatGPT loves puns, but it is also smart enough to understand when you tell it not to use them. That is a purrfectly good tip right there. 

How to create a company logo with ChatGPT

Prompt: Create a logo for MeowTunes, Purrfectly Tailored Music for Cats

Result: [Insert ChatGPT-business-logo image here]

To create a logo for my startup, I used, which asked a few questions about the company, which logo I preferred, and my preferences for colors and tones, then generated five different options. All of them were acceptable, although the cat does look a bit indifferent.  

How to write a job offer letter using ChatGPT

Prompt: Write an offer letter for the post of CMO (Chief Miaowling Officer) at MeowTunes, my startup that sells music to cats. The salary is one tin of cat food a day, plus a bonus of many cat treats.

Result: Dear [Candidate], We are delighted to offer you the position of Chief Meowling Officer (CMO) at MeowTunes, our new startup that sells music to cats. We believe that your experience and skills make you an excellent fit for this position, and we are excited to have you join our team.

As the CMO, you will be responsible for overseeing our marketing efforts and ensuring that our products reach a wider audience of feline friends…In return for your hard work and dedication, we are pleased to offer you a competitive compensation package. Your salary will be one tin of cat food per day, and you will also be eligible for a bonus of many cat treats based on your performance. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to work in a fun and exciting environment where you can truly make a difference in the lives of cats and their owners.

If you are interested in accepting this offer, please let us know at your earliest convenience. We are eager to welcome you to our team and begin working together to bring the joy of music to cats everywhere.

ChatGPT came up with a decent offer letter here, including phrasing the details of my offer correctly and including the generous bonus that the post comes with. 

How to design a website with ChatGPT

Prompt: A web landing web page for MeowTunes, a service that sells music to cats, grid design, UI UX

Result: [Insert ChatGPT-business-website image here]

Midjourney quickly came up with four designs for my website. It is an AI image generator, but it can generate website ideas if you write the prompt correctly. The options at the end of the prompt guide Midjourney to use a grid design and add the UI and UX elements, such as the menu. Midjourney did take a couple of minutes to generate the designs, and you do have to access it through the Discord chat app. 

Midwinter doesn’t create the actual web code itself, but you could import these designs into a visual web designer like Editor X and build them in HTML in a few minutes. 

How to write a LinkedIn post using ChatGPT

Prompt: Write a LinkedIn post for people who might want to help me build MeowTunes, a music service for cats. This will be posted in a pet lovers group.

Result: Sure, here’s a LinkedIn post for people who might want to help build MeowTunes, posted in a pet lovers group:

Subject Line: Help us build MeowTunes – the world’s first music service for cats!

Hi everyone,

As a fellow pet lover and cat owner, I’m excited to share with you my latest project – MeowTunes! MeowTunes is the world’s first music streaming platform designed specifically for cats, and we’re on a mission to create a better life for our furry friends through the power of music.

We’re looking for passionate individuals who are interested in joining us on this journey and helping to build MeowTunes into something truly special. Whether you’re a developer, marketer, or just love cats and want to get involved, we would love to hear from you.

Our goal is to create a service that truly benefits cats and their owners, and we believe that we can make a real difference in their lives through music. If you’re interested in joining us on this mission, please reach out and let’s chat!

By giving ChatGPT some detail on where the post was going and who might read it, ChatGPT tweaked the post to be more specific for the audience and the message I wanted to get across. 

How to research competitors using ChatGPT

Prompt: Create a list of competitors for MeowTunes, detailing their size and capitalization

Result: Sure, here’s a list of some potential competitors for MeowTunes, along with their estimated size and capitalization:

Spotify – As one of the largest music streaming services in the world, Spotify has a market capitalization of around $51 billion as of September 2021. While they do not specifically cater to cats, they offer a wide range of playlists and genres that could be enjoyed by both humans and pets alike.

Pandora – Another popular music streaming service, Pandora has a market capitalization of around $1.5 billion as of September 2021. Like Spotify, they do not specifically cater to cats, but they offer a variety of playlists and personalized recommendations that could be enjoyed by both humans and pets…

ChatGPT gets a decent level of detail here, although its information is somewhat out of date. But it’s a good start for the sort of briefing you will need as a startup to justify your existence and ask for investment

How to practice pitching to investors using ChatGPT

Prompt: Pretend to be a VC that has just read the above pitch for MeowTunes. Ask me questions on it, one at a time

Result: Great idea! Can you tell me more about the scientific research behind your music? How do you design music that appeals to a cat’s senses?

ChatGPTmay not have any money to invest itself, but it can give you a practice run for answering the sort of questions that people with money will ask. 

How to create a checklist for a startup using ChatGPT

Prompt: Create a checklist for setting up MeowTunes, my new startup that offers music for cats

Result: Sure, here’s a checklist for setting up MeowTunes:

  1. Define your target market: Identify your audience and their needs. Who are your customers? What are their preferences when it comes to cat music?
  2. Develop your product: Create a variety of music options for cats to enjoy. Ensure that they are specifically designed to appeal to feline hearing and behavior.
  3. Set up a website: Create a user-friendly and visually appealing website that showcases your product offerings and allows customers to easily purchase or subscribe to your service.
  4. Establish partnerships: Partner with cat-related businesses, such as pet stores and cat cafes, to help promote your brand and reach a wider audience…

How to practice for media interviews using ChatGPT

Prompt: I want you to pretend to be a journalist. Ask me questions about MeowTunes, one at a time, based on real interview questions from The New York Times

Result: Great, I can certainly do that! Can you tell me a bit about MeowTunes and what inspired you to create it?” “Fascinating! It sounds like AI played a big role in the creation of MeowTunes. Can you tell me more about how AI was used in the development process? What kind of algorithms or tools did you use, and how did they contribute to the final product?

ChatGPT can do a decent job of roleplaying, asking questions, and responding based on your answer. So, it is a good way to prepare for being interviewed by the media. 

How to sell my company to Google using ChatGPT

Prompt: How do I sell my company to Google?

Result: Selling a company to Google, or any other large corporation, can be a complex and time-consuming process. Here are some general steps that you may want to consider:

Conduct a valuation of your company: Before approaching Google or any other potential buyers, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your company’s value. This will help you set a realistic price and negotiate effectively.

ChatGPT produced a decent guide to selling your company to Google, although it won’t replace the lawyer that you will undoubtedly need if that really happens. Google, call me!


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