BRICS Nations Drive Bitcoin Adoption – Bitcoin Magazine


This is an opinion editorial by Milan Stanojevic, an elementary school teacher and filmmaker.

Since the end of the second world war, the United States has consistently been the dominant global superpower. The Soviet Union vied for superiority during the Cold War but ultimately failed as it lost control of its satellite states. This was evident when the Berlin Wall came down in 1989.

In recent years, American hegemony has been challenged by China, a nation which has accumulated tremendous wealth since opening up its economy to the world. China now seems poised to usurp global power as it continues to engage in a form of financial imperialism across the globe (for more, read Joanna Chiu’s “China Unbound”). Today, both Russia and China are part of a global cadre known as BRICS, which includes Brazil, India and South Africa — with other countries, such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia, perhaps waiting in the wings to join as well.


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