This Equal Pay Day PSA hilariously reveals the secret handshake of men


We’ve all heard of the Old Boys Club, a reference to the often unspoken (and too often very much spoken) tendency of men to use and pass on privilege to each other based on gender alone.

Belgian advocacy organization ZIJkant, and creative agency Mortierbrigade, created this new PSA for Equal Pay Day to directly address the secret language of men. Or it is a secret handshake?

Set to the hilariously catchy Miles Betterman tune “The Dickhead Song,” “It’s Handy to Have a Dick” shows men greeting each other, closing deals, and brokering partnerships of all types, all on the strength of a disturbing handshake. That confidence, that connection, all boils down to one thing: “I trust you because you have dick.”

According to the Pew Research Center, the gender gap in pay has remained relatively stable in the United States over the past 20 years or so, and in 2022, the average woman earned 82% of what a man earned. Which is pretty ri-dick-ulous.


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