George W. Bush's anti-HIV program is hailed as 'amazing' — and still crucial at 20


In 2003, President George W. Bush created PEPFAR to help countries tackle the HIV/AIDS crisis. Four years later, he spoke at the Rose Garden to urge lawmakers to set aside $30 billion for the cause over the next 5 years. Joining him were Kunene Tantoh of South Africa and her 4-year-old son (pictured). Tantoh, who is HIV-positive, coordinated a U.S.-funded mentoring program for mothers with HIV.

PEPFAR is the “most amazing thing in the history of HIV,” says Dr. Sharon Lewin, president of the International AIDS Society. Bush himself came to Washington this month to urge reauthorization..

(Image credit: Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images via Getty Images)


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