The next time they hear the voice, it asks the children to go downstairs. They make their way into the basement with a flashlight, but it loses power, and the siblings become frightened in the darkness. Kevin can’t find Kaylee, but when the flashlight regains its power, it is shining right on her — except both of her eyes and mouth have disappeared. From this point forth in the film, Kevin is alone in the house, save for the entity longing to connect with him.
As he continues to attempt to navigate the unknown, more and more items continue to stick to the ceiling and walls. The voice makes another appearance, and this time, it addresses Kevin directly for the first time, commanding him to sleep. Toys continue to disappear. Sometime later, the voice notices Kevin playing with his Legos and says, “I want to play.” However, Kevin seems to ignore the voice until sometime later it asks him to stab himself in the eye. His childlike crying echoes through the house after he does what the voice asks. The television seems to cut out entirely shortly after, and for a moment, it seems that Kevin sees Kaylee from behind sitting in front of the TV.
Now distraught and in immense pain, he tries to use the phone again to call 911, and surprisingly, it seems to work. The toddler tells the operator that he hurt himself with a knife and feels sick, and the kind voice on the other end of the phone asks all the questions you would expect, instructing Kevin to stay on the phone until help arrives. When the operator asks why Kevin starts speaking so quietly — and if someone is in the room with him — Kevin tells the operator that the doors are gone before he runs away, scared of something in the shadows.
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