After the popularity of “The Great British Bake Off” expanded around the globe following its arrival on Netflix, there was an explosion in reality baking competition shows across streaming platforms. In a win for the streaming wars, The Roku Channel won the rights to air “The Great American Baking Show,” the official American spin-off of the beloved British original. With winter just around the corner, the streamer has announced the series will be hosting a celebrity holiday special with players competing for charity. Here’s what Roku had to say in their official announcement:
“This holiday season, ‘The Great American Baking Show’ co-hosts Ellie Kemper and Zach Cherry take audiences into the iconic tent for a spectacular, celebrity-filled holiday special. Six celebrity bakers fire up a holiday storm, as they whisk, bake, and fake their way to impressing judges Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith. ‘Saturday Night Live’ cast member Chloe Fineman, Oscar-winner Nat Faxon, Emmy-nominee D’Arcy Carden, social media star Liza Koshy, Super Bowl winner Marshawn Lynch, and comedian Joel Kim Booster put on their aprons and turn on their ovens, as they compete for the coveted cake stand and Star Baker crown.”
Give whoever was in charge of casting “The Great American Baking Show Celebrity Holiday Special” a raise and some sort of plaque to hang in the Roku Channel headquarters, because imagining this array of hilarious personalities having to share a kitchen is a better gift than anything I could have asked Santa to bring this year.
Watch The Trailer For The Great American Baking Show Celebrity Holiday Special
The trailer proves the kitchen chaos will be a-plenty, with Marshawn Lynch asking, “How do you turn this damn stove on?” with the same energy as anyone ever forced to reheat holiday side dishes at their in-laws’ house. Joel Kim Booster fearlessly admits to “screwing up” early on in the competition and splitting his pants, while Chloe Fineman admits ignorance with, “Mascarpone? Never heard of her.” Someone give this woman a crash course in Italian cheeses, stat!
As fun as it is to watch people with masterful skills craft brilliant displays of decadence, it’s also an absolute blast to watch amateur celebrity bakers drive the struggle bus underneath the famous white baking tent. There’s melting chocolate, burnt cream puffs, and a whole lot of questionable icing designs. It’ll be a Christmas miracle if anything turns out edible!
“The Great American Baking Show Celebrity Holiday Special” will be available on The Roku Channel sometime this holiday season, but an exact date has not yet been announced.
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The post The Great American Baking Show Celebrity Holiday Special Trailer: Familiar Faces Fire Up Festive Treats appeared first on /Film.
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