Strikes are far from a thing of the past, as the film industry was reminded when members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) threatened to strike last year over industry-wide allegations of mistreatment. Of course, the filmmaking is not the only industry to be at the center of potential or ongoing strikes. Here in the United States, workers have been at a crossroads with railroad companies for several weeks regarding low pay and long hours, with one union recently rejecting a strike-averting deal (via The Associated Press).
The United Kingdom, in particular, has been gripped by industrial action in the wake of the ongoing cost of living crisis. Railway workers are currently striking across the country, with BBC News reporting that over 40,000 workers have been striking for twelve days. Workers of the Royal Mail are also preparing to strike on the 13th, 20th, and 25th of October. Perhaps the most important, however, is a potential strike budding among National Health Service nurses, who argue that they are still not being paid enough despite the essential work they carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic (via Reuters). From these and several more instances, it seems like workers’ rights will be at the forefront of public conversation for some time.
Will the on-screen representation of these issues in “Enola Holmes 2” matter? It is hard to say, as Netflix has its own murky history with handling pro-worker actions. However, it will at least shed a light on these necessary conversations.
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