What Jupiter in Aries Means for Your Summer



What Jupiter in Aries Means for Your Summer

June 30, 2022

Hedy Noemi

Jupiter entered Aries on May 10 and will stay there until late October, when it’ll dip into Pisces for a couple of months before popping back into Aries until mid-May of next year. According to Hedy Noemi, the astrologer behind Nymph of Neptune, what that means for you: If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to go for what you want, now’s the time.

The Great Potential of Jupiter in Aries

The eclipse season of April and May brought about chaos. Some of us met its blows with chutzpah, rolled up our sleeves, and worked on ourselves. Others might still be finding our feet as we make our way in the new world it left behind. Eclipses, like the ones we saw this spring, clear away the weeds so we can build on fresh ground.

For the first time since 2011, Jupiter has entered Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Jupiter’s shift into this dynamic sign signals a collective period of rebirth. Tapping into this cycle can help us access the personal boost we might need, especially for endeavors requiring self-belief. For those of us looking to find higher ground in some aspect of life that has felt stagnant, now is the time to load our efforts with faith and courage.


Jupiter in Aries is giving us all permission to test the boundaries of what we thought was possible. (Aries is the courageous risk-taker of the zodiac, and Jupiter is the planet associated with faith and expansion.) We have until October to harness the power of this transit and push ourselves to whatever limit needs pushing.


The weeks following the Cancer new moon on June 28 are an excellent time to negotiate for more. A practical way to work with this energy would be to connect with your allies: Network with those who inspire you on both a personal and professional level.


As Jupiter is the ruler of faith, wisdom, and knowledge, we can expect some acceleration and aha moments in the realm of spiritual wealth. Prayer, ritual, and music are all Jupiterian themes. This is the year to embrace community and learn from one another in the healing journey. While Jupiter’s movement through Pisces for most of 2021 signified a time of collective cleansing, its transit through Aries, the sign of the self, means it’s time to turn our attention inward to our own hearts.


July promises to be a dynamic month as the planets travel through Cancer, triggering the booster effect of Jupiter and revealing the firstfruits of what Jupiter in Aries has in store for you. Balancing priorities of self or career with priorities of family, service, and community might feature prominently. Just know that if you have personal planets in the cardinal signs—Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn—you might feel more-intense effects.

Jupiter sitting in Aries may not be the whole astrological landscape of 2022—and we still have the second season of the eclipse story to look forward to this fall—but this transit is offering us remarkable potential for long-term growth. The bridge between the old world and the new might not be direct, but Jupiter in Aries is here to help us navigate our personal path forward from a place of heart-centered courage.

Tel Aviv–based astrologer Hedy Noemi is the founder of Nymph of Neptune. She offers tarot readings, planetary birth chart analysis, and astrology-based life coaching in person or on Skype.


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