In the 1940 animated Disney film, Honest John (voiced by Walter Catlett) and Gideon (voiced by Mel Blanc) are the primary antagonists, who are essentially con men known for running heinous schemes for money. The duo notices a poster featuring an upcoming event by the puppeteer Stromboli and Pinocchio going about his way shortly after, which spurs them to hatch an evil plan which involves selling Pinocchio to Stromboli.
The fox and the cat are as manipulative as it gets, as they use their scheming ways to entrap Pinocchio into thinking that the life of an actor is a glamorous one. Even after their plan was thwarted the first time, they manage to swindle Pinocchio again (and again), eventually succeeding in selling the boy to the puppet master. Even after Pinocchio is able to run away from the cruel puppeteer, the fox and the cat do not give up on their schemes to get rich quickly.
Stromboli is another obvious villain, as he is a cruel puppeteer who treats his puppets poorly, going as far as to lock Pinocchio in a cage and mock his misery. While Stromboli is human, he lacks empathy and kindness, begging the question — is it enough to look like a human to be considered humane at all? The events in the film point towards a “no.”
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