Original Bitcoin Beach White Paper


This is an opinion editorial by Mike Peterson, a lifelong entrepreneur, philanthropist and author who is director of the Bitcoin Beach project.

Three years ago I attended a meeting that changed the trajectory of my life. The meeting was with the advisor of an early Bitcoin adopter and philanthropist who wanted to see Bitcoin used in meaningful ways to change lives. I left the meeting energized with a sense that something radical was being birthed. I have always seen the world very differently, which can sometimes be alienating. Leaving this meeting felt the opposite. I sensed I understood what this donor wanted to see, maybe even more than the advisor explaining it to me. I returned home and banged out the following unpolished proposal. I had a hunch this donor wanted something very different. I don’t care about the procedure or the right way of doing things (or even correct grammar or spelling if you follow me on Twitter). I sensed this visionary early Bitcoiner was a kindred spirit. They just wanted someone who could get the impossible done and not give them excuses as to why it couldn’t be. They wanted to see the world’s first Bitcoin circular economy sparked into existence, and our team was crazy enough to think we could make it happen. The following fevered proposal was sent out that night: a proposal light on details and loaded with naive idealism. Reflecting three years after writing this — 2.5 years after the project launched — it is shocking that it has all played out according to plan.


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