“Game of Thrones” has been limping back to relevancy ever since its notoriously polarizing finale aired in 2019. Currently there are seven “Game of Thrones” projects in the works, set to follow the upcoming “House of the Dragon” prequel series, which takes place about 200 years before the events of the War of the Kings. “House of the Dragon,” which is due to debut on August 21, stars Matt Smith, Olivia Cooke, Rhys Ifans, and more as players in a civil war within the ruling House Targaryen.
The other live-action prequels in development are “10,000 Ships,” the spin-off about the legendary Princess Nymeria; “9 Voyages” (aka “The Sea Snake”), which refers to the “Great Voyages” at sea made by Lord Corlys Velaryon (a distant relation of the Targaryens, also descended from ancient Valyria like them); and “Dunk and Egg,” another prequel based on the novellas by “A Song of Ice and Fire” author George R.R. Martin, which are set 90 years before the events of Game of Thrones and follow the adventures of the hedge knight Duncan and his squire Egg, who would become Aegon Targaryen, a prince and eventual king of Westeros. There are also three animated prequel projects, including “The Golden Empire,” which would finally expand the franchise’s horizons beyond European-inspired fantasy and take viewers to the China-inspired land of Yi Ti.
But a franchise is what HBO hopes to make of “Game of Thrones,” despite the show virtually falling out of pop culture memory after the divisive finale. THR notes that the greenlighting of a Jon Snow sequel series means that nothing is off the table for more spin-offs chronicling the further adventures of other fan-favorite “Game of Thrones” characters like Arya Stark (Maisie Williams), Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) and Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie).
Personally, I’m gunning for a series about Bran becoming a tree.
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