It’s 1993. You get home from school and toss your backpack into some void on the way to the kitchen, where you’d wrassle up some Dunkaroos or a sandwich and pull out whatever mom told you to and set it in the sink to thaw for dinner. Pending chores, homework, or outside time, that free time was often filled with TV — maybe something educational like “Where in the World is Carmen SanDiego?” — and gaming.
The gruesome kills in the “Mortal Kombat” games made such an indelible imprint on pop culture that even the term “fatality” became shorthand for any finishing move in a game. Naturally, fans coming to Simon McQuoid’s 2021 reboot film would pine for that warped bit of nostalgia, and the martial arts matches deliver. Lewis Tan, who stars as former MMA fighter Cole Young in the film, promised that not only are there fatalities in the live-action feature, but they grossed him out. He told Variety:
Yeah, they’re pretty gruesome. I walked on set one day and I didn’t know what was going on, and I accidentally walked into a post-fatality set and I felt pretty sick to my stomach. [Laughs.] I was like, “What the hell is this? What happened here?” It looked like somebody destroyed a buffet line, but there was no food.
It’s a trip to learn that Tan was so repulsed by the mayhem on set, considering his career-long intimacy with action and bloody fights. Tan’s father, Philip Tan, is a martial artist and stunt coordinator who moved his family to Los Angeles while he crafted stunts for Tim Burton’s “Batman.” Lewis himself isn’t a stranger to fisticuffs, having done roles on Marvel’s “Iron Fist” and this year’s “Shadow and Bone.”
Any guesses on which fatality scene Tan stumbled upon?
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