Many people make music a big part of their lives, especially when you’re around the age of the “Empire Records” gang. In fact, music defines life for many people, both socially and spiritually. As pizza boy/vinyl guru Eddie says, “This music is the glue of the world. It holds it all together. Without this, life would be meaningless.”
On that same note, music is also the glue that holds “Empire Records” together. It may be because the events of the film take place almost entirely at a record store and all its characters are deeply connected to music, but its pitch-perfect soundtrack really is one of the biggest reasons behind this movie’s enduring appeal.
Featuring the likes of Gin Blossoms, Jimi Hendrix, Better Than Ezra, Suicidal Tendencies, AC/DC, and more, the “Empire Records” soundtrack is filled with incredible non-mainstream jams. Years before filmmaker James Gunn became known for integrating songs into the DNA of his scripts and characters, the alternative staples in this movie were just as important to telling the stories as the words on the page. The two come together in a perfect marriage during the climax when Renée Zellweger’s Gina steps out of her comfort zone and joins Berko’s band on the marquee to sing “Sugar High.” Without the music, the scenes in “Empire Records” would just feel fundamentally different.
I frequently find myself spinning the vinyl version of this soundtrack as I’m working. (Yes, obviously I’m listening to it now.) But when people say that I should just stream it because it doesn’t make a difference, I say that it’s the difference that makes it.
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