In 2013, Cassandra Peterson, the actress who has played the ultimate spooky babe since the 1980s, revealed on her Twitter profile that the explosion in the gas station scene was much hotter than she anticipated. She tweeted:
“Fun fact about the gas station scene — they didn’t tell me how BIG the explosion was going to be. SO hot it melted the back of my wig!”
It’s typically not considered a bad thing when something turns out to be bigger than expected, but in the case of potentially life-threatening explosions, maybe less is more. At any rate, Elvira’s brief tweet actually reveals two interesting pieces of information that offer insight into both the movie and the secrets contained with the Mistress of the Dark’s hairstyle.
The first is that the blazing inferno seen on screen was not created with any sort of CGI or visual trickery. Instead, it was created using good old-fashioned movie magic in the form of making things go boom in a (relatively) controlled environment. Luckily, it seems only Elvira’s wig suffered any serious damage, and our favorite goth gal was unharmed. So what does this tell us?
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