It is a rare series that combines juicy plotlines, powerful storytelling, deep character development, and a real message, but “Spartacus” does just that. That sounds big and heavy, but it’s not. This is a fun show, full of plot twists and beautiful moments. It’s also full of cruelty, murder, amazing fight choreography, and very, very fit people. I even have a drinking game for you, if you so desire: Any time someone says “absent” instead of “without,” you drink. (Actually, maybe eat pasta first. It happens a lot.)
This series has Shakespearean stakes, from Spartacus’ focus on the loss of his wife, to the beautiful love story between gladiator Argon (Dan Feuerriegel) and freed slave Nasir (Pana Hema-Taylor), to the powerful rivalry between Lucretia and Ilithyia (Viva Bianca) that involves murder — it’s over the top in all the best ways.
I don’t want to give away any plotlines, because they’re so good, so I’ll just say that this show is incredibly bingeable. The costumes are gorgeous, the fighting is so good that you’ll want to pick up a sword and swing it at people (don’t), and there are no emotional punches pulled. You might even learn a thing or two about history.
I will leave you with this caveat though: This is absolutely not for the kiddies. Maybe don’t watch it on a plane. It’s very spicy, and sexy, and very, very violent. Mostly what it is, though, is absolute unadulterated fun. Enjoy!