“The Shining” sees a family moving into a historic hotel as patriarch Jack Torrance takes on a caretaker gig during the winter. A writer and recovering alcoholic, Torrance plans to use the isolation and time to work on a new novel but things go south for him, his tormented wife Wendy, and gifted son Danny. The lead role, a family man turned axe murderer, has just the right amount of creative wiggle room for Curry — no prosthetics necessary. Curry told Newton:
“It’s great fun when you’re actually working it, making it part of yourself and finding out what it can do. And both with this and ‘Legend,’ the fun is that it’s very difficult to go too far. These may be famous last words, but to a certain extent you have to work much more broadly in order to register at all, and that’s interesting.”
It’s that very broad range that makes him a living legend, in the opinion of /Film’s Eric Vespe. Curry further explains that while he’s a King fan — a copy of “The Stand” sits in his trailer during the interview — he felt an absence of the cerebral in the genre.
“I think that horror movies have got a little too far away from the mind. I personally think that what is the most horrifying is the moment of decision behind somebody’s eyes when they decide to kill somebody, rather than a pint of blood and a pound-and-a-half of latex.”
“The Shining” sounds like a great fit for the Daytime Emmy Award winner. While every onscreen iteration of the 1977 novel contains elevators full of blood and a bit of latex, its audience is always captive to Jack Torrance’s growing lunacy, as audiences are always willing captives to the unhinged ebb and flow of Tim Curry.
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