According to the Empire interview, Justin Lin said the idea came about during pre-production while the team was coming up with big set pieces, including the use of magnets. “We were in London for a week, and I had my son Oqwe with me, and the only way we could hang out was that he would come [to] the meetings with me,” said Lin. The meetings often included an array of toy cars to help get the creative juices flowing, but when the team was struggling to figure out how to get Jakob out of the chase scene, Oqwe piped up with the answer: magnet plane. Lin said:
“We were talking about the ravine [set-piece] and I said, ‘Alright, so here’s Roman and Tej. Jakob needs to get to the other side — how does he get there?’ And Oqwe just picked it up and pitched the idea of the plane and everything. After us spending hundreds of hours on planning, I guess he was paying attention, and he understood the characters.”
Sometimes the unrestrained creativity of a child is exactly the kind of inventive energy a movie needs. It’s a baffling idea that plays perfectly into the brand of nonsense the “Fast” films are known for and certainly earned some of the biggest cheers in the theater at the time of release.
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