New Zealand filmmaker Taika Waititi is developing his “Star Wars” film with co-writer Krystyn Wilson-Cairns, who earned an Oscar nomination for penning the war-thriller “1917.” In an interview with Rolling Stone in July 2022, the filmmaker suggested that while he wasn’t interested in just diving into origin stories for characters we had already met and known, he still wanted to take his time to research and write something fans would love.
Waititi cannot help but feel uncertain about how the fandom would react — he doesn’t want to “mess” with something that’s so “treasured.” So no, he won’t be making a movie about Chewbacca’s grandmother and stuff.
“I just feel like for me, I’m never gonna please the fans. You know, I don’t want to mess with something that’s so treasured. Also, you feel like you’ve got to do a lot of research…and I don’t have any time. [Laughs] I mean, there’s thousands of books that have been written, these volumes of books about ‘Star Wars’ with all those characters. I just don’t have time to get through them. So I can’t say like, you know, confidently, I’d be able to do something that’s like very close to what everyone knows. I’m not promising that I’m not going to do anything like that. I’m just saying: It’d be easier for me to not do that. Would you like to see a Jar Jar Binks movie?”
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