“Obi-Wan Kenobi” may initially be focused on Obi-Wan’s trials on Tatooine — avoiding Inquisitors, guarding Luke Skywalker, and trying (or failing) to process his prequel-era trauma — but Lucasfilm’s latest “Star Wars” series makes it clear that there’s adventure elsewhere too. “Kenobi” splits its time between that infamous sandy planet and the planet of Alderaan, where a 10-year-old Leia resides with her adoptive parents, Bail and Breha Organa. Though Obi-Wan is pretty content to stay on Tatooine for the rest of his natural life, the Sith Inquisitor Reva (Moses Ingram) is determined to draw him out of his self-imposed exile, and present him as a gift to Darth Vader.
Reva enlists the help of a few mercenaries (led by Flea, of Red Hot Chili Peppers fame) to kidnap the young princess on Alderaan. The mercs leave absolutely no trace of their whereabouts, meaning that the Organas will have to enlist the help of someone very special to bring their daughter home. Fortunately, Bail still has Obi-Wan on speed dial, and he makes quick work of contacting the former Jedi.
Of course, Obi-Wan refuses at first: It’s been 10 years since he’s flexed those Jedi muscles, after all. Plus, Bail is a senator with all sorts of connections, legal or otherwise. Why does he seek out the help of a Jedi when a bounty hunter or another mercenary could just as easily find his daughter?
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