“Decision to Leave” revolves around a detective who ends up developing an interest in a woman who happens to be the prime suspect in a murder. Chan-wook is known for the handling of complex interpersonal matters, as he has a penchant for exploring human relationships from a distinctive, almost primal point of view. While “Decision to Leave” could start off as a murder mystery where various players have vested interests, things could take a turn for the macabre fairly soon, given Chan-wook’s usual treatment of the narratives he helms.
The film has been produced by Moho Film, who have invested in projects like Chan-wook’s own “The Handmaiden” and Bong Joon-ho’s “Snowpiercer,” while presented by CJ ENM (who also presented “Parasite”). Meanwhile, MUBI has acquired rights for the film for North America, Ireland, Turkey, India, and the UK.
Other prominent MUBI releases include the Oscar-nominated “The Worst Person in the World,” alongside Celine Sciamma’s “Petite Maman” and Leo Crax’s “Annette,” among others. Ryusuke Hamaguchi’s Oscar-winning “Drive My Car” was also recently released on the streaming platform. Apart from this, MUBI’s co-produced project from Mia Hansen-Løve, namely “One Fine Morning,” will be premiering during Cannes Directors’ Fortnight.
Chan-wook’s “Decision to Leave” has the following synopsis:
“A man falls from a mountain peak to his death. The detective in charge of the investigation, Hae-joon (Park Hae-il), comes to meet the dead man’s wife Seo-rae (Tang Wei). When she becomes a suspect, Hae-joon finds himself slowly developing an interest in her.”
Apart from its Fall 2022 release in the UK and the US, “Decision to Leave” will also be streaming exclusively on MUBI.
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