Jason Reitman is the son of Ivan Reitman, who directed “Ghostbusters” and “Ghostbusters II,” and Violet Ramis Stiel is the daughter of Harold Ramis, who co-wrote the first two films with Dan Aykroyd and portrayed Egon. Ramis passed away in 2014 and Reitman wanted to honor his contribution to the films. Ozzy Inguanzo’s book, “Ghostbusters: Afterlife: The Art and Making of the Movie,” discussed the director’s intentions of including the late actor in his film and how he included the Ramis family in the process.
Reitman’s film focuses on Egon’s family, so it made sense to somehow include the late Harold Ramis. Having some history with the family, it was important to Reitman that he get their permission to do so:
“Violet and I met on the set of Ghostbusters when we were little kids. It was very important to me that Harold’s family understand why I wanted to tell this story, and that I was doing this out of love and out of respect.”
Ramis Steil recalls reading an early version of Reitman’s script and her reaction to it:
“I went to Jason’s hotel. I sat in the lounge and just read. He had bought a printer from Best Buy to try to avoid any potential leaks, and I sat in the lounge and just read. It was an early version, and it naturally and beautifully, but also spectacularly, was able to capture the spirit of what the old movies are, and the new directions they wanted to launch it out into. It meant a lot that he wanted my opinion. It was important to him that my family and I felt good about what they were doing, and we did.”
Reitman received the blessing of Ramis Steil and her siblings to move forward with his idea.
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