Executive producer Grant Curtis recently claimed that “Moon Knight” will have “no attachment to the current MCU.” His statement, released via The Direct, caused a bit of a stir from fans — and with good reason. Are his comments meant to be taken at face value? Or is Curtis merely teasing a storyline free of any interconnected meddling?
The short answer: yes, “Moon Knight” is of course connected to Marvel’s Cinematic Universe. It’s become the general expectation for titles premiering on Disney’s streaming service, but unlike series like “WandaVision” and “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier,” “Moon Knight” doesn’t seem to feature any characters — heroic or otherwise — that fans have seen in the MCU before. Not even an off-screen mention, if you can believe it.
Without many Easter eggs or internal references to pick out, it’s tricky to know where “Moon Knight” fits within the MCU timeline. If it weren’t for a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it reference to the Global Repatriation Council in a recent teaser, fans would be forced to resort to their favorite pastime: wild speculation.
The tease in question features Marc in the full Moon Knight costume — and standing in front of a GRC advert (seen above). For anyone in need of a refresher, the good ol’ GRC is an organization introduced in “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.” Their efforts helped to re-establish order after the Avengers brought back half the world (and defeated Thanos for good) in “Avengers: Endgame.” The event known now as “The Blip” displaced millions, and the council was founded to help those displaced rebuild their lives.
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