Lower Decks Is A Hilarious Deep Cut


While visiting Deep Space Nine, Ensign Rutherford gets incredibly excited to see everything on the promenade. In fact, he even tells himself that he needs to “tone it down” because his excitement is so overwhelming, but he’s acting exactly how I would if I ever got to walk the promenade, so his joy is infectious. Tendi is unfortunately sidelined by a fellow Orion who wants to talk about pirating, which distracts her from both Rutherford and the fact that she’s on Deep Space freaking Nine. When she pauses for a moment, Rutherford rushes off, telling her, “Wait right here I gotta dangle my legs over the second story like in the holovids!”

Rutherford is referring to the many times that Jake and his best friend Nog (Aron Eisenberg) would sit on the second level of the promenade and dangle their legs over the side while they watched whatever was going on below. Usually they were just looking for pretty women, but their perch also gave them a pretty good view of where new arrivals to the station would first enter, meaning they were up to date on who was onboard. While “Star Trek: The Next Generation” had some serious issues with its main child lead, Wesley (Wil Wheaton), Nog and Jake were a fun pair who ended up becoming truly compelling characters as they aged. As for why there might be holovids of Jake and Nog’s youthful adventures in-universe? Jake’s a writer, and could have very easily published memoirs which became holovids, and I can guarantee Rutherford’s seen and read them all.


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