What’s The Plot Of The New Jurassic World Movie? A Super-Fan Explains The Best Theories


This option may seem sacrilegious but it is undoubtedly something that needs to be considered. There is the possibility that Universal would/could completely reboot the franchise and re-adapt “Jurassic Park” for a new generation. Given that Steven Spielberg’s original film is one of the most beloved blockbusters of all time, this immediately might upset a large percentage of the moviegoing public. Be that as it may, from a storytelling perspective, it is hard to argue against the upside here if the studio wants the franchise to continue for years to come.

As mentioned when we were talking about a sequel to “Dominion,” the franchise now has 30 years worth of continuity to contend with, which also means 30 years worth of baggage. Any movie that is made within the franchise as it currently exists has to take everything that comes along with it. For any filmmaker coming into the situation, it would certainly be daunting to re-adapt Michael Crichton’s classic novel, yet it might also be freeing to not be chained to the six movies that came before. It’s also worth pointing out that David Koepp, who wrote the original screenplay for “Jurassic Park,” is returning to pen the script for the new installment. Might Universal be turning to him to hit the big ol’ reset button?

In Hollywood, nothing is truly sacred, even if the original movie is probably as close to sacred as it gets. Hard as it would be to accept, this is not out of the question, even if it feels less likely than the other options before us.


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