10 Superstitions That Will Ruin Your Love Life


Some prefer to live life like a lone wolf, uninterested in sharing their space, and value alone time more than anything. To those types, love is just a word or something that warms their heart when their mother phones. For others, love is the lifeblood of existence, the very essence of who we as human beings are. And to most, it’s one of the strongest emotions you will ever feel.

That is why we resonate toward happy endings. We celebrate marriages in the hopes that the love will last a lifetime, and we consume romance novels and stream rom-coms. The sad truth is, though, that not everyone will experience what love has to offer. Have you ever wondered why?

Here are ten insane superstitions from around the world that might ruin your love life.

Related: Top 10 Crazy Superstitious Things People Do

10 Having a Beard

Despite it having a traditionally masculine connotation in many parts of the world, facial hair isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. The modern world has made manscaping rather simple. However, some still choose to embrace their inner caveman, letting it grow, hiding their chins, or sporting some stubble.

Be that as it may, there are parts of the world where having facial hair is downright bad luck and might even ruin your chance at love.

Despite historical figures and warlords often depicted with beards, it was traditionally considered bad luck to not have a clean-shaved mug. This is because it was often associated with the working classes. It lowered the status of the man, thereby also diminishing his chances of finding someone willing to stoop down to his uncultured level.[1]

9 Even Flowers

It’s not just in the West that flowers are considered an appropriate gift before a first dinner date or to cheer up your aunt when she is sick in bed with the flu. Flowers are a symbol of affection in many parts of the world, including Russia.

But before you gift someone a bunch of flowers, count them. There is a Russian belief that suggests only an odd number of flowers should be gifted as an even bunch could crush your love life or your chances at finding happiness with the person receiving the flowers.

In fact, it can be considered an insult to give an even number of flowers, as an even number is usually associated with funerals and a period of mourning. Definitely not how you want to start true love.[2]

8 The Number 8

We are all familiar with the fear of the number thirteen. Also uncommonly referred to by its tongue-twisting scientific name: triskaidekaphobia. But did you know some fear the number 8?

Those who wish to find love, that is. The number eight in some parts of India is considered a terrible omen for a new couple, and arranging your wedding date on the eight can only spell trouble. Eight is a representation of Saturn or Shani and is sometimes linked with gloominess rather than positivity. Bad luck and more bad luck.

Interestingly. August 8, 2008 (or 08.08.08) was considered good luck, as the combination of numbers has the reverse effect, and compounding the bad news number can be a positive sign.[3]

7 Not Finding the Name

Henna (temporary tattoos) plays a large part in some Indian celebrations and is often considered one of the most traditional parts of Hindu and Muslim weddings. Often, the henna will form an important part in the Mendhi, or the Name Game.

Back in the day, when marriages were often arranged, the bride and groom would need some sort of icebreaker on their wedding night, and that is where Mendhi came in. The groom’s name would be written in henna somewhere on the body of the bride, and he would need to find it.

These days, it is done more for fun as a way of keeping an age-old tradition alive. Still, in some weddings, in the past, it was a good sign if the groom found the name (and bad if not). If he failed, it was said that the bride would be dominant in conjugal life. In other parts of India, however, the family wouldn’t allow the wedding celebrations to commence until the groom found what he was searching for.[4]

6 No Coins

If you haven’t heard yet, money is one of the biggest drivers in relationship problems and, ultimately, divorce. However, it is not necessarily a lack of money that puts strain on the relationship but rather the decision-making regarding its use. In some cases, the adage, “no money, no problems,” is the problem.

That is why many superstitions arise around money and financial prosperity. In Sweden, for instance, parents often express their hopes that their daughter will never have a shortage of material goods, so in the past, they came up with a superstitious plan.

The tradition is that the bride should place coins given to her by her father, a gold one in her right shoe and a silver one in the left, symbolizing that she will never go without money.[5]

5 Sharing a Towel

Probably the one superstition on the list most of us can get behind. Sharing a towel has its benefits, less washing and less space used on the hanger, but is there anything worse than having to dry yourself with a damp, muggy towel? Especially during the winter months?

In parts of the world, particularly Russia, it is believed that using the same towel as your significant other will bring about conflict in the future, which might have a detrimental effect on your relationship. This belief has made its way into Western folklore, which we should all get behind.

Using the same towel as your other half might be an omen for a bad fight on the horizon, and more often than not, that might just be the case.[6]

4 Opening Scissors

As children, it has been hammered into our little sponge-like brains that we do not run with scissors. A child’s mind is a marvelous thing, and images of falling onto a pair of upright scissors still haunt many of our dreams. But the truth is that we don’t have many reasons to ever run with scissors. We are, however, often guilty of playing with scissors, opening them and leaving them open, or cutting the air without actually cutting anything else. And that is exactly why your relationships fail.

In parts of Northern Africa, and particularly Egypt, it is considered bad luck to leave scissors open or to open and close them without cutting anything. It’s a superstition based on the function of the scissors, which is to cut things. Therefore, you run the risk that it could cut your relationship until they are closed again.

Some suggest that opening and closing a pair of scissors during a wedding ceremony will leave the groom impotent, and dropping a pair of scissors will lead to your partner being unfaithful.

The advice is clear: Don’t run with, leave open, drop the, or cut the air with scissors. You know what, maybe it’s best not to own scissors at all.[7]

3 The Gift of Time

Clocks and watches have become somewhat obsolete in a world with smartphones, laptops, and wearable tech all telling us the time and reminding us of where we ought to be. But there is still a place for a nice watch or a marvelous wall clock in the luxury market, also quite popular as gifts.

Gifting a timepiece sounds like a straightforward, good idea, but some might disagree. In parts of Asia, and particularly China, the clock symbolizes a countdown to the end, a ticking reminder of death itself. The belief stems from the fact that the phrase “giving a clock” sounds similar to sending someone off on their final journey in Cantonese and is, therefore, considered a terrible wish for young love.

Gifting an item that symbolizes their time is almost up is particularly offensive to seniors and remains a cultural taboo.[8]

2 Pregnancy at a Wedding

We have all been to weddings where children aren’t allowed. Some people might not agree with it, but the bride and groom have their reasons. But have you ever been to a wedding that bans pregnant women?

In some parts of China, there is a belief that stems from the idea that having a pregnant woman and a bride in the same room would cause a clash of positive energies. This can have an adverse effect and turn to sour bad luck, bringing either misfortunate to the wedding or the unborn child. Pregnancy and a wedding cannot co-exist as their luck will cancel each other out.

It should be noted that some base their advice on science.[9]

1 Yellow Roses

Valentine’s is around the corner. You have someone in mind who you might like to take out, and you want to send her flowers in advance. Give yourself a fighting chance—do not send them yellow flowers.

Sending yellow flowers is not a sign of love; in fact, quite the opposite is true. It might sound strange that a flower, innocent and beautiful, can break the legs of your relationship before it can even stand. But yellow roses, in particular, signify jealousy, a decline of love, and the ultimate relationship killer (after wet towels, that is), infidelity.

Stick to the tried and tested red, and you will be fine. [10]


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