Gary Oldman Is The Biggest Critic Of His Own Sid & Nancy Performance


On the surface, there’s a lot to like about “Sid And Nancy.” An early example of Roger Deakins’ cinematography, the biopic features standout performances from Gary Oldman as Sid Vicious and Chloe Webb as Nancy Spungen. Cox also manages to wring some sympathy for Vicious and his doomed relationship out of the whole thing — despite the fact the punk legend was, by most accounts, a pretty repulsive guy and questions remain about his involvement in Spungen’s death.

But if you ask Oldman, none of that matters because he can’t even watch the film without wincing. As the actor told The Hollywood Reporter, before he’d accepted the role, he saw punk and Vicious’ life as, “a lot of noise” and was concerned about, “who would see ‘Sid and Nancy?” But beyond that, the Oscar winner seems to regard the whole thing as some of his worst on-screen work, adding, “I don’t think I’m very good in it.”

It wouldn’t be the first time he’d expressed his distaste for the film. In a 2016 interview, he said:

“If [‘Sid And Nancy’] comes on TV and I’m channel surfing and I see a second of it I want to just throw the television out the window. I had no interest in the Sex Pistols. I looked at it and thought, ‘Why? Why would you make a movie about these people?’ But it’s got its charms, [there’s] great things in it. It’s Roger Deakins cinematography, one of his early films. But it’s just old stuff now, to me.”

Needless to say, Oldman won’t be watching the upcoming Hulu retelling of the Sex Pistols story. But there’s more to Oldman’s view of “Sid And Nancy” than his disinterest in punk.


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